David Frederik Erlich

Frontend Developer

Crafting modern web experiences with clean, efficient code

About Me

I'm a Frontend Developer with a passion for creating clean, user-friendly web applications. My focus is on modern JavaScript frameworks and responsive design, with a growing interest in backend development.



  • React / Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • SCSS / Tailwind


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • RESTful APIs
  • SQL / NoSQL


  • Git / GitHub
  • VS Code
  • Webpack
  • Docker


File Storage Drive screenshot

File Storage Drive

A Google Drive-inspired cloud storage solution built with React and Firebase. Features include folder creation, file uploads, nested navigation, and secure user authentication. Users can store and organize various file types including images, videos, and documents in a familiar interface.

Another ToDo List screenshot

Another ToDo List

A modern task management app built with SvelteKit, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS. Features drag-and-drop functionality, real-time updates, and a minimalist design. Demonstrates clean code architecture and modern front-end development practices.

SvelteTypeScriptTailwind CSS

Get in Touch

I'm currently open to new opportunities and collaborations. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to work together or just say hello!